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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  May 16, 2013 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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continue to serve, i don't know, at least until kindergarten starts, anyway. "outfront" next, the white house in damage control mode. obama administration hit with three controversies. does the buck stop with the president? plus the latest from the investigation in boston. a note found in the boat where dzhokhar tsarnaev was hiding written by him. going to tell you what it says. first big break in that case. and the company that told angelina jolie she could face cancer is under serious fire tonight. we have a special investigation. let's go out front. good evening, everyone. i'm erin burnett. there are three controversies threatening the white house and the response from the obama
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administration sounds -- well, why don't you take a listen? >> i can assure you that i certainly did not know anything about the ig report before the ig report had been leaked through press -- >> i would as the cia. >> i was not the person involved in that decision. >> so who was? where exactly does the buck stop? who knew that the irs was targeting conservative groups that were trying to get tax exempt status? who led the american public to believe something that turned out not to be true? and why did the department of justice secretly obtain associated press phone records. the white house director of communications joins us tonight. jennifer, thank you very much for taking the time. when you hear those sound bites, it does sound like a lot of blaming other people. >> you know, the president is the chief executive of the government.
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and understands that it doesn't matter how these problems arose, it's his problem -- it's his responsibility and problem to fix them. and in each of these -- in each of the controversies, if you will, that have arisen this week from the inspector general's report on the irs to the e-mails around benghazi and to the court case you mentioned involving the subpoena of ap, he's taken steps in each of these cases to deal with the actual underlying substantive problem there. perhaps much -- perhaps less focus on the politics. >> let me ask you though. it seems like when all this became public then action is being taken. let's take the irs scandal. the agency as we now know was targeting conservative groups. the president learned about it on friday from press reports. you heard him there. he said he didn't know about the inspector general report prior to. that jay carney said earlier this week the white house council's office was alerted
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several weeks ago. they knew about a scandal that president called outrageous but nobody told the president? >> so the inspector general process that reviews -- that does con duct the investigations, that was create sod an investigation can go on without any sort of politics interfering. then it can happen outside of -- outside the political process and that a career investigator can come in and look at a problem and make his own judgments and then put that report out there and the recommendations, let them see it. the worst -- we do the white house counsel's office will be alerted to let -- to know that such report may be coming. there are hundreds of them that are done each month within the government. but the worst possible thing that we could have done is to get -- to involve ourselves at that point in an independent investigation of the irs. so we knew the best thing for us
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to do is to let the investigator do their job, come to -- come public with their report and recommendations and we pickeded it up and taken it from there. secretary lu and the president have taken some pretty strong steps since then. but, you know, when these controversies arise, you know, my communication is professional. the first instinct is to deal with them right away and answer all the questions right away. what you can't do is take any action that will make the situation worse. >> right. >> you need to wait especially when you're the president or speaking for the president of the united states. >> right. you said there were hundreds of these. obviously, there are hundreds and none of them almost get to the status of this one. this one in the inspector general report, one of the key sentences, the irs uses inappropriate criteria that reviewed tea party applying for exempt status. that would get leaked to the press and the press would be aware before the president of the united states and the irs reports to him?
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>> that is not -- that's not a situation that we welcome or happy w the fact that someone -- it's obviously unclear who but made the report available to the press before they made it -- officially made it available to capitol hill and made it available to us. so, you know, that made it more difficult to deal with the press around this. but it doesn't make it more difficult to deal with the substance which is, you know, which is what we have -- which is what we have done. but i can't emphasize enough how -- what a huge mistake it would have been for the white house to hear about press reports of an independent inspector general investigation of possible political activity at the internal revenue service and then have the white house insert itself and possibly contaminate in effect what needed to be an independent investigation. so did it make for a couple of uncomfortable days?
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yes. >> i see your point. i see your point. it also, of course, does seem shocking. he is the guy who runs all this. people would run amok and giving it to other people fern first. how does that happen? >> all we all had was press reports. nobody had the facts. we wanted -- we waited as was appropriate as is incumbent upon the white house and the president to act responsibly. we waited until we actually knew what the facts were. we were not going to make decisions that are as important as how you operate the irs and how you respond to a problem like this based on unconfirmed press reports. >> okay. but do you have frustration that the man who runs the irs runs the state department. all the organizations seem to be kind of doing what they want to do. he's the last one to know. shouldn't he be the first one before the media, before other people so he can say, look, the buck stops here? i'm not going to tolerate this or that? >> he wants the best possible government run -- he wants the best government possible. and in an important way that you
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do that is you allow the independent investigations within the department to police themselves, if you will, to root out problems, to have a place where employees are concerned about how their agency may be doing can go privately and hope that an inspector general will look at these problems for them. that's an important part of how the government operates. >> right. >> what the president doesn't want to do is involve himself in a process like that that's working to fair out the problems. >> jennifer, thank you for taking the time. appreciate it. >> thanks for having me, erin. still to come, it's been a month since the west texas explosion that killed 15 people. to night investigators are saying what caused that. and it's been 99 days since prisoners as guantanamo bay began a hunger strike. our exclusive and unprecedented access to gitmo continues tonight. we have a look at the extreme
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and the controversial methods that guards are using at this moment to keep those prisoners alive. and then a new development tonight in the boston bombing investigation. the major revelation in a note written by dzhokhar tsarnaev found in the boat that night that he managed to scribble out. at least six people killed when tornadoes touched down in texas. we're going to go there. oing on. wife, mother, marathoner. but one day it's just gonna be james and her. so as their financial advisor, i'm helping them look at their complete financial picture -- even the money they've invested elsewhere -- to create a plan that can help weather all kinds of markets. because that's how they're getting ready, for all the things they want to do. [ female announcer ] when people talk, great things can happen. so start a conversation with an advisor who's fully invested in you. wells fargo advisors. together we'll go far. wells fargo advisors. help the gulf recover, andnt to learn from what happenedg goals: so we could be a better, safer energy company.
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the mystery over the deadly explosion in west, texas. people have been waiting for a month find out what caused that horrific fertilizer plant explosion. 15 people died. as you remember, much of the town was completely leveled that night. the stories we heard of windows and home being blown out while people were sitting at home were
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terrifying. state and federal authorities said they still can't get to the bottom of it. which may strike you as rather strange. ed, why is the cause so difficult to determine? you would think with a massive explosion like this at a fertilizer plant, there would be an answer. >> well, i think simply what this boils down to is that the intensity and the magnitude of that explosion simply blew everything away, literally. that is the explosion site you see right here behind us, erin. just nearly a month after this explosion happened, investigators have wrapped up their day to day search and examination of that explosion site. even though much of the area in the neighborhood surrounding that fertilizer plant is still off-limits. many people not allowed to come back to the homes that have been destroyed. authorities say that officially the cause for now is undetermined. their words. they say there are three causes that they have not been able to rule out, one of them is the electrical system in the
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building that was holding the amonium nitrate. and also a golf cart that was inside of that building that according to atf investigators, this particular golf cart battery powered golf cart has a history of catching on fire. perhaps that golf cart could have caught on fire and is what led to the explosion. and also they say they have not been able to rule out any kind of criminal involvement in this and that the fire might have been intentionally set. before investigators made this announcement here today, erin, they met with the victims' families and braced them for this news. we asked them if this undetermined cause could be the very best answer they ever get in all of this. >> go ahead. i'll let you. >> we did. we did it on purpose. we want theed the families to hear from law enforcement about what our determinations were. [ inaudible question ]
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>> this may be the best explanation they get. one of these three things. no matter what you do for the next few months -- >> the families were told why the amonium nitrate exploded. we cannot tell them as we cannot tell you how the fire started. >> and that is the key. there is still a great deal of intrigue surrounding a man by the name of brice reed, a former paramedic in the small town of west who was arrested last week for possessing an explosive device. investigators refuse to comment about any specific questions, any kind of links to him at this point in regards to the investigation or if he might have been responsible for the explosion. they say they continue to work on that. that is an open part of the investigation. brice reed's attorney says that he is innocent. he had absolutely nothing to do with this explosion. erin? >> all right. ed, thank you very much. obviously, that angle they're not ruling out that it was
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intentionally set. still significant tonight. now i want to get to the "outfront" series at gitmo. we've been covering this all week. tonight we have an exclusive look at the hunger strike. it started without a protest with a handful of detainees. as we've been telling you, there are 100 inmates and our chris lawrence is live at guantanamo bay all week. he's been giving us exclusive access to the prison. he looks at the extreme lengths that the military is going to to keep the detainees alive. >> reporter: a first-hand look at the shackles, tubes, and liquids being used to feed the detainees who refuse to eat. >> this goes in the nostril. >> a tube goes up the nose, down the throat and into the stomach and supplements are pumped in for 30 to 45 minutes. some of the 100 hunger strikers refuse food but will drink supplements in order to. but these 30 have to be forced. >> it's a tough mission. kind of an ugly place sometimes. >> that's the detention group
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senior medical officer. speaking for the first time since the medical profession condemned tube feeding. >> are you concerned that american medical association has come out against this practice? >> again, there are lots of politics involved. i'm sure they have internal politics that they need answer to as well. >> he has to remain anonymous for security reasons. but as a doctor, he stands by the methods used at guantanamo bay. >>s easy for folks outside of this place to make policies and decision that's they think they would implement. >> the hunger strike marks the 100th day friday and shows no signs of stopping. cnn obtained handwritten letters from one of the detainees. one reads, "be tortured and stay detained." another quotes a french writer about how "you're very existence becomes an act of rebellion." he sounds hopeless when he writes, "the commissions are a joke.
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if you lose, you go to prison for life. if you win, you're held indefinitely for life." >> we don't have a goal to break the hunger strike. we do have a mission to preserve life through lawful means. >> reporter: but the defense attorneys say shackling a detainee and snaking a tube to his stomach is inhumane. >> you don't get here before the tears just start streaming down your face. >> reporter: gitmo officials show the numbing gel they offer and the tubes are thin and lubricated. >> nobody expressed to me that this hurts. >> the clients say otherwise. >> he said he never felt such pain like that in his life. >> reporter: that is saying something when you consider that the client that she's talking about, he's been detained here now for 11 years. in fact, we have learned that the hunger strike is now jumped from 100 to 102. that is the large number in seven to eight years. some military officials say some of that has to do with peer pressure. they say some of the detainees don't want to eat in their cells
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or where other detainees might be able to see them but once they get to the clinic, they will drink the supplement. erin? >> chris lawrence, thank you very much. important to look at gitmo when you look at the future on the war on terror. still to come, a special a genetic test. it turns out this test is really provided by only one company in the entire united states of america. that monopoly is creating a controversy going all the way to the supreme court. poppy harlow is "outfront" with an investigation. >> reporter: her announcement made headlines around the world. angelina jolie underwent a double mastectomy after a genetic test showed she had a mutated brca 1 gene, giving her an 87% chance of getting breast cancer. her news put this company front and center. it's not a big player in the big picture of big biotech companies.
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but it has patents on the brca-1 and 2 genes. when mutated, those genes are linked to an increased risk for breast and ovarian cancer. because of the patents, myriad has a monopoly on the test to find the mutations. >> we believe that gene patents of this nature decrease access to testing for our patients. and the lack of competition in testing increases costs, decreases quality. >> reporter: this doctor represents the association for molecular pathology which is challenging myriad all the way to the supreme court. >> the problem with patenting the human gene is that you're patenting a fundamental property of an individual. >> reporter: myriad genetics declined our request for an on camera interview but told us what it patented are synthetic molecules that do not exist in the human body. the question at the heart of the case before the supreme court is this --
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can genes or synthetic genes be patented or are they products of nature that shouldn't be owned by anyone? >> this case is such a big deal because so many people think the future of medicine is genetics. and how the law regards genes and synthetic genes will dictate how and whether companies invest to find new cures. >> reporter: myriad says it invested $500 million over 17 years in the project. that investment is paying off. the brock analysis test costs $4,000, often covered by insurance. and made up 82% of the company's revenue in fiscal 2012. the company's profit, $112 million. this biotech analyst has followed myriad for a decade. >> are they going to stop researchers from using their work? no.
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but the idea is if someone else tries to do what they're doing kplertially, they have to be protected. that's the critical difference. >> reporter: myriad argue that's patented genes encourages innovation and investment and hasn't prevented research. others disagree.>> wre at the cs and certainly these patents can do nothing but obstruct the introduction of those technologies. >> it's amazing. you say $4,000. i know that may not be expensive to other tests, it seems that way to a lot of people. look, if they have a monopoly on a gene, then that's part of the reason why this is expensive and out of reach for some people. how does it make sense? >> it's up to $4,000. it can be anywhere closer to $500. it depends how comprehensive of a test you get. and insurance, we found, covers this most of the time. the company also told me if people are not insured and they qualify for the test that they have reason to have it taken, then we will cover all of it or a great portion of it. but this really come down to this question of how do we get the best results? do we incentivize companies by putting patents out there so
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that they will pour millions in and hope for a good result? >> so you think -- >> or you say every company jump in to compete. the cream rises to the top. that's the core question that supreme court is considering. we should get an answer from the court by the end of june. i think it's also important to note only about 5% to 10% of women in the general population carry this gene mutation. so it's in the headlines right now. again, it's a small minority of women. but the company performs this test, 250,000 times a year. so it's frequently done. >> all right. certainly a crucial question. probably a lot of people didn't think about. when you do and think about your health, it's a big one. thank you so much to poppy harlow. and this weekend dr. sanjay gupta is going to take a look at genetic testing. still to come, "outfront," soccer star david beckham makes a surprise announcement. you know what? we have an interesting take on this. it's not about david. it's about victoria. plus, a mathor revelation of the boston bombing case. police find a note in the boat where dzhokhar tsarnaev was
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hiding and he managed to write as he was lying there injured. and at least six people killed when tornadoes touched down in texas overnight. we're going to show what you the area looks like after this. mine was earned in djibouti, africa. 2004.
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vietnam in 1972. [ all ] fort benning, georgia in 1999. [ male announcer ] usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection and because usaa's commitment to serve military members, veterans, and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. [ female announcer ] from meeting customer needs... to meeting patient needs... ♪ wireless is limitless.
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they have no idea what it was like before u-verse high speed internet. yeah, you couldn't just stream movies to a device like that. one time, i had to wait half a day to watch a movie. you watched movies?! i was lucky if i could watch a show. show?! man, i was happy to see a sneezing panda clip! trevor, have you eaten today? you sound a little grumpy.
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[ laughter ] [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. we focus on our reporting from the front lines. we want to begin tonight in texas. at least six are dead after a series of tornadoes touched down
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in texas overnight. all were in hood county including seven others who are missing. the national weather service says 13 tornadoes hit land including an ef-4 tornado, the second most severe on the ranking system. this video shot from storm chaser aaron estman. you can see them literally on both sides of the road, at one point he tells us a tornado was directly above their head dumping debris on them. luckily it dissipated and they ended up being fine. today abercrombie and fitch began the second american retailer to sign on to a letter saying they would agree to rigorous inspection of factories that they use in bangladesh. most retailers didn't sign, not walmart and gap. they're getting a lot of criticism. when it comes to the fact this they allowed clothes to be made in unsafe locations where people
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die they should be criticized. saying if they sign this letter it will be fixed does not add up. companies like gap already do fire inspections in bangladesh. we saw how that worked. they have 78 factories in the country and make them safe in a country that doesn't have standards isn't going to work. best of all is american and european shoppers willing to pay more for clothes certified as safe. price drives everything. the contractors who operate the factors aren't being paid for safety. until that changes, all the letter signing in the world may make us feel better but it's not going to change the horror on the ground in bangladesh. it is 651 days since the u.s. lost the top credit rating. warren buffett's berkshire hathaway had the credit rating cut with a negativeout look. we have new details in the boston marathon bombing investigation. according to law enforcement sources, suspected bomber dzhokhar tsarnaev claimed responsibility for the attacks in a scribbled message that was found in the boat where he was
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hiding. in the message tsarnaev calls the bombing victims collateral damage in a strike meant for payback for american wars in muslim lands. susan candiotti is in boston with the investigation. i know you broke this story. what else do your sources say was in the so-called note? >> well, erin, apparently to put it simply, he thought he was going to die. according to our sources, remember this is a guy who was weak from a loss of blood and as he was lying in that boat, apparently he decided it was time to scrawl out a message as best he could, literally on the boat inside the boat. and so one of the things he also said was i'm not missing my brother because i am expecting to be with him very soon. words to that effect. and that is what apparently led him according to our source, our law enforcement officials, that led him to write that he was blaming the united states for its actions in afghanistan and iran and that's why he said the bombing victims here were simply
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collateral damage and now they have that key piece of evidence, the fbi now has that boat and if this ever goes to a jury, they'll be able to show the two. >> what does this mean for the case again tsarnaev? obviously this is significant. this is something he did, he wrote which would be seen as an important break for them. what does it mean? >> well certainly for the defense it's not very good news. legal analysts are telling us and you can certainly understand why that if you're trying to make the case that he was simply under the thumb of his older brother, this would tend to disprove that. he wasn't a dupe of his older brother. he, too, is a jihadist and espousing these kind of messages. and we talk to our cnn legal analyst jeffrey toobin about that. >> this note makes the task of tsarnaev's lawyers even more difficult. because the callousness, the
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recognition of the deaths of what he calls collateral damage is going to enflame a jury even more than it would have been otherwise. >> and apparently this is information also according to our source that dzhokhar tsarnaev also told investigators after he was captured at bedside when they were first interrogating him before he was read his rights. so they not only have it in writing, erin, he also told this to investigators. >> susan, thank you very much. obviously significant but as many will say since this was die dif you willthed where the rights were read, no the allowed in court. >> were there other people involved in this attack? we've talked a lot about tamerlan tsarnaev's wife and
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what he may or may not have known. but according to voice of america, he met with an exiled former chechen rebel in new hampshire less than a month before the bombings. the fbi is now asking why. brian todd is "outfront" in manchester, new hampshire, tonight. what you have learned about this exiled former chechen rebel who was in of all places, new hampshire? >> well, erin, he tells the vio he was in chechnya in 2001 and came here in 2004. according to the voice of america report, federal officials were here earlier this week scanning his computer, interviewing him, searching his apartment behind me, taking his dna and fingerprints, asking him all about these apparent visits by tamerlan tsarnaev. he told voice of america that less than a month before the boston marathon bombings he did meet here with tamerlan tsarnaev. he says he met with him three or
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four times over the past four years or so. but very informally. he says very emphatically that authorities have not told him that he is a suspect in this, that he just met with tamerlan tsarnaev and discussed kind of innocuous personal things. now when asked by voa about whether tsarnaev ever discussed with him the war in chechnya or tsarnaev's own beliefs, this is what he had to say. >> nothing. never. never he talking about the religious beliefs like that to me. as i said past three years i saw him three times. >> and, again, he has not been connected to the boston bombings in any way. he says that authorities have told him have not told him at all that he is a suspect. the fbi would only tell us that they were in new hampshire earlier this week on court related activity, court authorized activity but an fbi official would not comment on the nature of that activity. erin?
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>> and, brian, given they said a few times the past three years. they're going to find out whether this man was involved or an inspiration of any sort. but do you have any sense as to why tsarnaev was making the trips to new hampshire to meet this former chechen rebel if there was nothing nefarious involved? >> well, according to the voice of america report that he met tamerlan tsarnaev in 2006 at a gathering in a group called the chechen society of boston. and that their contacts were really just very innocuous. now why tamerlan tsarnaev came to new hampshire, we have reported in recent weeks that tamerlan tsarnaev bought fireworks from a fireworks store maybe about an hour from here in new hampshire. he bought several components that were fairly powerful. that could have been one reason why he was in this general area. the report says that tsarnaev took shooting practice at a shooting range here. we contacted the owners of that
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range. they wouldn't comment. >> all right. thank you very much, brian todd. and still to come, a controversial new theory raised very, very strangely by pat robertson. are men compelled to cheat on their wives? plus, david beckham says good-bye to soccer. you know what snt real story here is victoria beckham's perfume. and tonight's shoutout. a tragedy averted in philadelphia. so just watch this. see this stroller? i mean you see that. you think something horrible. a 14-month-old child fell off the train. her mother was distracted. the mother then jumped on to the tracks. but according to our affiliate wyw, authorities are giving credit to this woman right here who ran over, hit the emergency call button and that stopped the train before it could arrive at the station saving both of their lives and the miracle because you saw how that baby hit the ground there. we want to make sure you know that baby received only a minor scratch on the head.
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to more efficient pick-ups. ♪ wireless is limitless. to two cues david beckham is calling it quits. you know he is one of the most recognizable athletes on the planet. love that shirt. beck is retiring from the game that has seen him win championships in multiple leagues and millions of dollars from endorsements and a salary that some estimate to be about $200,000 a week. yeah. his decision to leave will lower his take home. but don't cry for him. because of tonight's number. $80 million. this may not have been the angle on the story you heard all day. it's the angle that got me going tlachlt is the estimated net worth of david's wife, victoria.
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so, yeah, even though becks the guy gets a lot of the headlines, posh spice has quickly and quietly built a fashion empire that includes sunglasses, perfumes, $2,000 dresses and $3,000 handbags. just her clothing line alone brings in close to $100 million a year. she's the breadwinner. she's the boss. and that's why he can retire and be a kept man. now let's check in with anderson cooper on what is coming up on "ac 360." granbury, texas, picking up men can't help but cheat. it was probably her fault anyway. >> he cheated on you. well, he's a man. okay. so what you do is begin to focus on why you married him in the first place. recognize also why males have a tendency have to wander a little bit and what you want to do is
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make the home so wonderful that he doesn't want to wander. >> okay. "outfront" tonight, political comedian, radio show host stephanie miller and wendy walsh, author i a new book. great to you have all us with. wendy, is there any part of what pat robertson that is right? >> well, no. actually, nothing except that i could say that men tend to want more sex than women do. now don't e-mail me, you guys. i know some women want more sex than men. they tend to. cheating is not the solution. in other words, more men are monogamous. more women are monogamous than cheaters. there are plenty -- men's sexuality is they need a little pipe cleaning every once in a while, erin. can you clean the pipes in all kinds of ways without having to cheat. one-third of all content on the world is porn.
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i'll just say. that figure it out. >> 23% men and 19% women. for those of you out, there the stats are even. stephanie this is not the first time robertson said something offensive to most when it comes to relationships. here he is talking about how unattractive women can ruin a marriage as well as excusing david petraeus. >> the man is a far land and lonely. here's a good looking lady throwing herself at him. he's a man. it isn't just something to lie there, well, i'm married to him so he has to take me like this looking. you have to fix yourself up, look pretty. >> why is there still this mentality, stephanie that, it's a woman's fault if a man cheats? >> you know, erin, one can only imagine the wonder of being mrs. pat robertson, can't you? shut up, honey, you're lucky to be married with me you wildebeest. wow, he is really the feminist, isn't he? he is just shut your naggy pie hole about the hookers and hotel
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rooms. whatever. really? this is a guy who says gay people are icky? what about family values? >> dean, you're the man here. >> i'm the man here. >> please go ahead. now the women have had their say. >> i'm going to distance myself from pat robertson. he's an idiot. this is a pebble on the pyramid of stupidity he built through the years of comments. >> nice i will lit rags. >> thank you very much. i think in reality, look, if you're in a relationship and it's assumed that you're going to be monogamous and you want to sleep with other people, then tell the person you're with. i want to go cheat. if they say it's fine. do it. if not, end your relationship and move on. you're making all men look bad when you do this stuff. i've been cheated on once. it was horrific. i found out. i didn't trust the next few women i dated for a long period of time. it really had a scarring impact on me. i can only imagine the same thing for women that are cheated on. it's painful. >> this belief that pat robertson said, look, if a man provides a woman with certain things.
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you know, i find this absurd but there are people who seem to believe it. you get the home, the jewelry, whatever, so i can do whatever i want. >> sadly, there are men -- maybe not sadly, there are accurately men who said that to me. a friend of mine, a famous guy, a cast member of "saturday night live" said the same thing. i pay for my wife, i care for her, i treat her well, i care for the children. if i can go out and have fun on the side, big deal, i'm not hurting my relationship. to these guys, other women are meaningless, just fun, frivolous things. not interfering with their relationship. i don't know how you can do that. the guilt would kill me. >> dr. wendy? >> erin, speaking about men providing so much for women, did you know statistically that when a man is a high wage earner, his wife is less likely to cheat. however, david beckham, listen up, when the woman is the high wage earner, he's more likely to cheat because again, it's about his insecurities and feeling more powerful. >> i mean, that's interesting. we'll see about changes over time. >> so romantic when a man treats you like a prostitute, isn't it? >> yeah.
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what do you think, stephanie, about the statistics that show people who admit to cheating, 23% of men, 19% of women, that's not a dead heat but pretty darned close. you know, so people who say pat robertson oh, men are predisposed, that doesn't seem to add up. >> well, i mean, yeah, but you know, his premise is that he's a guy, period. like all men cheat, they just can't control themselves. they're just giant penises that are attached to a man coincidentally. >> i think we know more famous men who cheated. the last governor of new york, david patterson cheated on his wife. he was seeing other people when he could not see other people. >> oh, lord. >> the last time i will ever do this segment, right? my point is we know more famous men frankly who are celebrities, elected officials who are cheating. perhaps the average person is
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not -- >> we hear more about it. that doesn't necessarily mean there's more of it. maybe women are more discreet. >> or don't admit it to pollsters. i think more men are cheating. i'll be honest. i feel that from friends. >> thanks very much to all three of you. we appreciate it. let us know what you think about what pat robertson had to say. every night we take a look outside the top stories for something we called the "outfront" outtake. we have a lot of fun as you know at the expense of vladimir putin on this show. i'm sure he would understand. he provides a lot of fun to be had, finding these 10,000-year-old jugs, playing with tigers, elaborate stunts and for some reason, he often is shirtless. well, he's at it again. it was announced today that vladimir putin found a new way to commute to work. he will go by helicopter. according to the moscow times, workers have completed the construction of a new helipad at the kremlin so putin can start using a helicopter to go from his home to work every day. a lot of critics have complained this is excessive and it's crazy and you're an egotistical jerk
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but we think putin got it right. every day as putin travels to work by car police feel the need to empty the streets so his 12 car motorcade can pass through more quickly. it adds about an hour to the commutes of other russians. this is a man facing some popular let's just call it dissent. that's made it worse. look, i don't believe for a second his decision to take to the skies was just to help alleviate congestion but it could have been to have people like him more. he loves his toys, probably wants to ride in a helicopter every day. but this time, it looks like his propensity for big splashes is actually helping his people. still to come, you might be sitting on a gold mine and not even know it, next. hey, so uh... what's going on here?
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so did you know america's number one export is not defense? it's garbage. check out this chart of trashy offenders around the globe. that is the united states at the top of the heap. fortunately, though, america is also a nation of entrepreneurs and tonight, there's a company that's actually taking the trash that's been spilling into our oceans which you can see no matter where you are in the world, you see the trash in these beautiful places. it is so upsetting. but they're doing this and turning it into cold hard cash. as you'll see, there's a very specific method to the madness. >> reporter: miles of beautiful white sand covers hawaii's east shore on oahu but look closer, says kahib. what are we walking? >> it's a mix of fine sand and microplastic. >> reporter: this is part of the garbage we're standing on? >> yes. >> reporter: the pacific garbage patch, floating trash, swirling in the ocean eventually slamming into hawaii. plastic being swallowed by fish who confuse it for food, and sea birds. look at what's inside this dead bird found in a remote section
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of hawaii. this is where your plastic trash ends up, says sustainable coastlines hawaii. they have been cleaning up the beaches but realize this wasn't making any real dent into the problem. they needed a new idea. attack the source, the consumer. once sustainable coastlines hawaii picks up the plastic off the beach, it's collected here and put into these boxes in his garage and from here, it heads to california. the manufacturer method recycles the plastic garbage into this simple soap bottle. recycling isn't new. educating the consumer this way is. >> the impact is far greater in the awareness we're raising in consumers' minds. >> reporter: is the plan working? at whole foods, the little blue tag got ashley thorson buying. >> i would definitely go on to buying that product.
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>> reporter: a simple idea and a step forward in cleaning up a seemingly endless problem. kyung lah, cnn, oahu, hawaii. >> makes you think twice about throwing things away. he's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. that was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again, and now i gotta take more pills. ♪ yup another pill stop. can i get my aleve back yet? ♪ for my pain, i want my aleve. ♪ [ male announcer ] this may, buy aleve and help those in need.
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this is "piers morgan live." welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. tonight, gathering storms for the white house. the battle over benghazi, the seizure of reporters' phone records and the scandal that simply won't go away. the irs mess. >> i think we're going to be able to figure out exactly what happened, who was involved, what went wrong, and we're going to be able to implement steps to fix it. >> so how bad is all this for the president? i'll talk to white house press secretary jay carney. >> he spoke out about it, he made clear he thought it was an outrage and he has taken action. also, a guy knows a thing or two about scandal, new congressman and tea party darling, mark sanford, on his >>rst full day on the job.